Maxis Health

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About Us

Why Ori?

When your child has big and sudden shifts in emotions, it is normal to feel stressed, worried, isolated or embarrassed. MaxisHealth’s Ori is an AI driven non-invasive biosensor wearable which measures subtle body changes related to emotional shifts in your child. Ori learns to predict emotional episodes and teaches your child HRV biofeedback skills in real time to help your child feel calm and capable of coping with their feelings.

Ori will help your child stabilize emotions at home and school, to free your family from the endless loop of:


  • Anger shoots to the ceiling when your child hears a “no”
  • Your child reacts impulsively, pushing your boundaries and limits
  • Kids begin to sabotage routines, like going to bed
  • Aggressive behavior, like screaming and hitting, can get worse
  • Kids may feel bad after losing control, causing them to withdraw or avoid


  • Worry that their child’s problems will get worse, or affect them long-term
  • When parents panic, they are more likely to rely on harsh or ineffective strategies like yelling, using force, or using anger to motivate them
  • Eventually, parents start feeling helpless or hopeless
  • Parents may also blame themselves for their child’s struggles
  • Parenting a child with behavior problems increases parent anxiety, depression, and marital conflict

What This means?

A number of behaviors may present themselves in a child’s life. These behaviors might not necessarily be attributed to a single disorder. Driving factors like genetics and environmental development play a pivotal role here. Early diagnosis is essential to help your child manage and cope with such emotions and behaviors.

If these behaviors present themselves in your child,
We can help!

Meet Your Team At Ori

Believer in personalized path for effective healthcare outcome.
Product Owner
Every child is special and unique in a way they see and feel. Believes technology can help detect as well as teach on how to manage emotions.
Data Scientist
Data reveals the story if captured timely and analyzed effectively
Scientific Research Analyst
Translating principles from neuropsychology into tangible digital health technology.
Strategic Advisor
Patient Advocates In Research (PAIR), Clinical Trial & Patient Specialist at HLM’s C3T, blogger, speaker & author.
Strategic Advisor
Child psychologist and researcher, dedicated to helping children and adolescents with ADHD and challenging behavior be resilient and successful
Dr. Mark Stein
Strategic Advisor
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Pediatics at University of Washington

Our Partners

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